
SAMBURAKAT – Commemorating the National Occupational Safety and Health Month PT Berau Coal (PT BC) educated 100 students about safety skills in Safety Boot Camp with two days practical learning, 24th and 25th February 2015 in Samburakat Campus of PT BC.

On the first day, followed by students from SMAN 1, SMAN 4, SMAN 7, SMK 1, SMK Al Falah Queen. And the second day, followed by SMAN 2, SMAN 5, SMA PGRI, SMA Muhammadiyah, Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN).

In this activity, each school sent 10 students to be given an education of safety riding, first aid emergency, dealing with rescue breathing / CPR, the basics of prevention against wildfires by Occupational Health & Safety Environment Training (OH & SET) team of PT BC.

Suharyono, one of the speakers said that the students need to be educated with safety skills because of the high number of driving accidents by the sudents and Berau is also a fire prone area.

Many impressions obtained by the students who are members of Red Cross Youth (PMR) in their school.

“I get new friends and meet other school. Last year we stayed for three days, but this year only held one day,” said Aldi Alan, one of the students of SMAN 7 Berau which joined the Safety Boot Camp.


“Besides got a new friend, I also get a lot of experiences and new knowledge, for example, prohibitions on traffic, fire prevention, and First Aid in Accidents (P3K),” said Aprinia Umrotin Jayanti, student from SMAN 4 Berau who participated for the first time in this Safety Boot Camp.

Not only the students, the personnels of Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Berau who also organizes this activity, expressed the same thing. “Although this year we just supervise, but actually our experience gains than last year. But honestly, in 2013 was merrier,” said Francine Chyntiya Asmarita and Juma Isa, who are personnels from Volunteer Corps of Red Cross in Berau Regency.

Head of Indonesia Red Cross Berau District, Etha Setiawan who also attended the event appreciated the activities held by PT Berau Coal. According to him, PMR members need training in handling the victims and understanding the procedures.

Furthermore, Etha said this event motivates the students to be new volunteers. “There will be new generations of high-spirited volunteers,” he said.

The similar activity has been held by the BC since 2005 with the theme “Rescue Goes To School”. This time is placed at Samburakat Campus. So the students know more complete equipments and watching the race of rescue teams handling victims on Internal Fire & Rescue Challenge III to enhance their knowledge in safety skills.