Kilas Berau Won Best E-Magazine in InMA 2016

by arif

At the same time of National Press Day (HPN), Kilas Berau won the Indonesian Inhouse Magazine Awards (InMA) for the fifth time organized by Serikat Perusahaan Pers (SPS) Pusat (9/2). Dahlan Iskan, General Chairman of SPS Pusat which attend the event of Appreciation Night in Golden Palace Hotel, Mat …

Self Awareness Leads to Zero Accident

by arif

Zero Accident is the prestigious achievement in mining business. Therefore, with the purpose of improving the performance of the previous years. In the beginning of 2014, Sambarata Mine Operation (SMO) Management has launched the program “1 month of zero accident“, using the slogan “work smar …

CSR: The Improvement of Residential Road of KAT KM 2 Lati

by arif

TANJUNG REDEB- After establishing the residential area for the Komunitas Adat Terpencil (Remote Custom Community – KAT) KM 2 Lati, Kampung Sembakungan, PT Berau Coal also improve the residential road in the area. If previously, the road was only in form of dirt road and when the rain strikes …

Berau Coal’s Commemoration of National Safety Month 2016

by arif

In National Commemoration of K3 (Occupational Health and Safety) in 2016, PT Berau Coal (BC) holds a variety of activities with a theme of K3 in a corporate environment. With the theme of Smart in Innovating and Ensuring Safety, Activities conducted on February is welcomed with enthusiasm by the em …

CSR Programs to Prevent Dengue Fever and Eradicate Mosquito Larva

by arif

The case of Dengue Fever (DBD) in Batiwakkal Area is an urgent problem which requires immediate attention. Moreover, since 2015 to beginning of 2016, the case has scored more than 800 incidents. Considering this situation, PT Berau Coal (BC), in corporation with the Academician from Sekolah Tinggi …


by arif

In reference to the Financial Services Authority Regulation no. 032 /POJK.04/ 2014 dated 8 December 2014 regarding Planning and Execution of The General Meeting of Shareholders of The Listed Company and Bapepam and Financial Institutions Regulation No.X.K.1 attachment to the Chairman of Bapepam Dec …

Cycling While Planting Tree Seedlings White Wood

by arif

TELUK BAYUR – Friday Riding movement of PT Berau Coal became special on 6th March 2015, Berau head government with local government officials, management, and employees biked together and planted tree along Gang Elang, Rinding village. Bike route begins from the office of local government of Bera …